Laboratorio de Patología y Biología Molecular

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Prueba de Paternidad: The paternity test.

noviembre 24, 2023 brybeltran Comments Off

By: Bolivar Garcia, M.D.

The paternity test is a method to determine the parent-child relationship between two or more people. For this type of analysis the alleged father and the child is made, establishing individual genetic profiles of both by analysis of specific DNA to determine relationships. Once obtained are analyzed and establishes whether the paternal bond, and thus to make the acknowledgment of paternity. Currently, it is possible to deal successfully with most research on paternity test, using the appropriate methodology.

Reliability of Paternity Test:
The paternity test is a relationship test of absolute reliability. The results obtained in paternity tests are given in terms of a probability, which can reach values ​​higher than 99.9999%.

In our Laboratory, we apply all the procedures necessary to ensure the attainment of reliability in the results of the paternity test. Our Associates Laboratory experts make genetic, and population studies performed in the reference population, using appropriate systems for each particular case, and then perform a final assessment of the evidence by calculating the probability of paternity which will assess objectively the acknowledgment of paternity in investigations.

Uses of the paternity test:
Paternity tests can be purely informative, personal use, establishing the relationship between two biological paternity or genetic fingerprinting profiles. In this case, the laboratory issues a report that identification with full name of the family involved in the paternity test is omitted. It is what we call anonymous paternity test, and therefore has no legal validity. To perform this type of test, it is not necessary to go to the lab. You can take the samples yourself from home and send them to our Lab.

If you want to test paternity with intent to use it in a court of law, you should know that the admissibility of evidence depends largely on how you have made the process of collecting and sending samples to the laboratory and compliance with the chain of custody why, the application forms for the Analysis of paternity test our Laboratory, accompanied by a certificate of sampling.

Therefore, in this test it is essential that one of our doctors directly handling the collection of samples, so you must go to the Lab, as requested by appointment.
The staff responsible for the collection of samples for paternity testing in our Laboratory has the training, expertise and appropriate experience to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the samples, as well as privacy and confidentiality of those involved in the analysis. This type of paternity testing is legally binding, and if requested by a court, one of our experts, will move to issue the same statement in the report of the paternity test done with this procedure.

To perform a paternity test, you can take just a sample of buccal swab cells of people involved in the paternity analysis: the alleged father and child. It is important, but not essential, to obtain a sample of the biological mother to establish paternity. The paternity test can be made from other types of samples, such as liquid blood, bones, tissues, rooted hair, nail clippings, chewing gum, toothbrushes, dental floss, razors, cigarette butts, blood stains, amniotic fluid, abortion remains, etc.

Which types of Paternity Testing does exist?
In our Laboratory mainly perform 5 types of paternity tests that cover all the cases that are presented to us:
Anonymous Paternity Test
Legal Paternity Test
Prenatal Paternity Test
Exhumation of death corps for paternity

The DNA test is a valid test to determine the heritage of the peoples, in the most of cases the use is thinking about the paternity, maternity, grand parentage or other vinculum between the families, and is at the moment, the best test who has the people to determine the fingerprints.